leading people to
whole lives

We are so glad you’ve come to our website to check out what God is doing in and through us
to inspire living a WHOLE life in Jesus, from Georgia Avenue to across the globe!

Here at Emory, God's vision for us is to be WHOLE!

Well physically
Healed emotionally
Obedient spiritually
Loved unconditionally
Empowered financially


Pastor Daniels inviting us as a congregation and community to go deeper in prayer.  With the chaos and calamities, and flat out evil taking place in our social and political world, the way for us to overcome and conquer in this season is through deepening our discipline of prayer, and study of the Word of God.  

To that end, begin this journey by praying five times a day, every day at: 6 am; 10 am; 2 pm; 6 pm; and 10 pm.

At these times, pray the Scripture, focusing on Philippians 4:4-7, and pray for the peace of God to invade our world, our country, the city/community where we reside, our church, our family, and ourselves.  For however short, or however long at these times, every day, may we pause and petition the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Great Answerer of our prayers.  

When in a season of great attack and opposition, we are not to succumb to defeat or the appearance thereof.  We are to petition the Lord, praying and fasting for guidance, and then act when guidance is received. When we do so, regardless of what’s happening in the world or around us, God will answer and move.

Our fasting will follow the regimen of the Daniel Fast, click for details below

We will pray together and have a brief teaching on Zoom every day of the Fast at 7:00-7:15 pm. 

To call in, dial
Meeting ID: 890 9346 5426 #
Password: 20256100 #

Thank you for your faith and dedication to God as we journey together.  Stay encouraged!  -- Pastor Daniels

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10:00 am in the Sanctuary
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The Emory Fellowship is located at
6100 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20011