Mind, body and spirit all work together as a whole.
A healthy diet and consistent exercise speak to spiritual obedience.
A healthy body impacts the spirit in a positive way and helps one to love God, oneself and others.
The mission of the Health and Wellness Ministry is to help the congregation and community care for themselves and one another…to attain, maintain and/or regain the best possible WHOLE-person health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit -- following the example of Christ and guided by the Holy Scriptures.
We Deliver Monthly! Here is Your March Fitness Event and Health & Wellness Challenge

Save the Date for Our BIG Event! Saturday, April 12th
We are excited to once again bring you this impactful event! Come experience a vibrant community to promote health and wellness in all areas of life. We are still finalizing details, but here is a recap of the wide variety of activities and services offered at last year's fair:
- Mental Health Discussions
- Ask a Doctor
- Blood Pressure Checks
- Exercise for Seniors
- Yoga Classes & Tai Yoga Stretching
- High Energy Fitness Classes
- Line Dancing & Zumba
- Cancer Awareness and Risk Reduction
- Glaucoma Screens
- Skin Care Experts
- Health Equity Activists
- Massage Therapy
- Stretch Therapy
- Healthy Food Vendors
- And much more!
We are the Health & Wellness Ministry Members

Join us! We meet every 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm on Zoom!