Lead Pastor
This year, Pastor Daniels celebrates his 30th year as lead pastor at Emory. He is also the founder of the Emory Beacon of Light, Inc. — the mission arm of The Emory Fellowship — and is an adjunct professor at Wesley Theological Seminary. Over the course of his tenure at Emory, Pastor Daniels was one of the co-founders and co-chairs of The Washington Interfaith Network — the largest grassroots social justice organization in the District of Columbia. Pastor Daniels has also conferred with five successive mayors in the Nation’s Capital on matters of community revitalization and economic development. Pastor Daniels is a Rockefeller Foundation Next Generation Leadership fellow, a former District Superintendent in the United Methodist Church, and consultant to church and community leaders across the country and the globe. He believes that we can all live a WHOLE life and is an advocate for peace and economic stability for families and communities globally.
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor Milton gave her life to Christ 15 years ago and has been on a journey to preach the Good News to everyone everywhere about the transforming power of Jesus Christ. An avid traveler, Pastor Milton has taught and preached in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Jerusalem, Turkey, various islands and many other parts of the world. She has a passion for missions and has been blessed to be part of and lead important work across the U.S. and beyond. Pastor Milton is a 2022 graduate of Wesley Seminary (Master of Divinity), and has also served as Greater Washington Youth Leader and Mission U Dean in the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is passionate about meeting the needs of the marginalized, the broken and the lost, firmly believing that God can transform, restore and revive anyone and everyone to a WHOLE life.