Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-15-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 15th, 2023
Evil will give way to good. And wickedness will yield to righteousness. It will happen. By God’s word, it will be so. Your encouragement today:  be on the right side of good and on the good side of right. Goodness and righteous always prevail.  (Proverbs 14:19)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-14-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 14th, 2023
Keep our cool at all times. Refusing to react to everything around us making us angry steers us away from evil thoughts and schemes. In the “cool,” center on the God of our souls. God will give us the wisdom and knowledge we need in the moment. Your encouragement today:  keep your cool! (Proverbs 14:17-19)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-11-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 11th, 2023
Discern. Be careful to discern. Discern spoken words to determine whether they are true. Discern the steps before us to determine whether they are the way forward. Discern from the wisdom and giftedness of God, and every move we make will be alright. Your encouragement today:  discern!  (Proverbs 14:15-16)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-10-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 10th, 2023
When we extend grace, we get grace in return. That’s the reality of people who live gracious lives. But those who insist on being mean, discover that meanness will find their address, and take residence. Your encouragement today:  let graciousness define you. Then you’ll notice God’s grace enveloping you. Everyday! (Proverbs 14:14)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-9-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 9th, 2023
Those who do right find our tents flourishing. Our cups run over. Our blessings never run dry. Those up to no good find our lot looking good one moment, but crumbling in the next, forecasting a crashing, chaotic end.  The choice is ours: commit to right, or rebel in favor of wrong. Your encouragement today: chase righteousness. In it, we’ll find that God has an undefeated track record. (Proverbs 1...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-8-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 8th, 2023
Do all we can to be there for friends in their low moments, and they will make sure we’re present for their celebrations.  Presence — whether it’s in-person, through technology, and/or in the Spirit — makes all the difference in the world. Friends know who their friends are. Your encouragement today: be that friend! (Proverbs 14:10)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-7-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 7th, 2023
Favor is found when pursuing a morallife. That pursuit gains wisdom, gleans wisdom, and stays on track because of wisdom. It is the way to go. Your encouragement today: chase after the moral life. We’ll find God’s favor chasing us! (Proverbs 14:8-9)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-4-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 4th, 2023
Spend no time with fools. Get away from their company quickly. They are no good for our health or well-being. Instead, surround ourselves with those who feed the soul. In that manner, our lives will be enriched. Your encouragement today:  no time for fools! (Proverbs 14:7)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-3-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 3rd, 2023
Maintain an open mind. In this way, we can acquire wisdom in ways we’d least expect. Closed minds miss out on great information that might change our lives for the better. Your encouragement today: be open!  In this way, we can discern what’s beneficial and what we need to discard. (Proverbs 14:6)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-2-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 2nd, 2023
True witnesses, genuine people, tell the truth.  Liars tell lie after lie, like it’s their duty and responsibility to lie. The world, now more than ever, needs truth tellers.  People committed to doing and saying the right and just thing. Your encouragement today:  tell the truth! (Proverbs 14:5)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 8-1-2023
by Joseph Daniels on August 1st, 2023
To reap a great harvest, strong plowing must first occur. There is no reward without the toil that precedes it. Your encouragement today:  put the work in!  If we do so, an abundance of blessing is coming! (Proverbs 14:4)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 7-31-2023
by Joseph Daniels on July 31st, 2023
Speak words that offer wisdom to others. Otherwise, keep silent. Frivolous talk becomes useless chatter, but wise conversation commands respect in a room and brings encouragement to a struggling soul.  Your encouragement today:  speak wisely!  Your wise words can lead somebody to a breakthrough. (Proverbs 14:3)#stayencouraged!...  Read More





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