Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 1-4-2023
by Joseph Daniels on January 4th, 2023
Someone is in need of the good news that can sustain them in seasons of struggle and inspire them in seasons of triumph. The good news that keeps us regardless of the atmosphere we may find ourselves.  Jesus exhorts us who have it to go share it with those who don’t. Then all of us can rejoice in difficult times as well as delightful moments. Your encouragement today:  go and share good news! (Mat...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 1-3-2023
by Joseph Daniels on January 3rd, 2023
The Lord is with us in every life situation — the joyous ones and extremely challenging ones. As we learn to live and walk in the Lord’s authority, we gain strength to live victoriously from day to day and strength to share with others how to do the same. It ain’t easy, but with Jesus on our side, things will work out right. Your encouragement today: walk in the Savior’s authority! (Matthew 28:16)...  Read More
Pastor D's Daily Encouragement -- 12-30-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 30th, 2022
There are times in life when fear and joy collide.  But remember, while fear can produce moments of uncertainty, a soul filled with joy anticipates with joy God's plans, purposes and possibilities for our lives.  Your encouragement today: in the midst of fear, be filled with joy! The best is here and on its way!  (Matthew 28:8-10)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-29-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 29th, 2022
Jesus is inviting each of us to our respective meeting place of revival and possibilities. When by faith, we meet Him in this place that He’s already told us about, we will discover that what we thought was impossible, is still very much possible. Your encouragement today: get to the place where you and Jesus can have a meeting! Divine revelation is coming! (Matthew 28:7)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-28-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 28th, 2022
Jesus does what Jesus says He will do. Not even death will keep Him from rising. As we trust in Jesus, we will discover that He will raise us up from the most difficult of situations.  He loves us that much!  Your encouragement today:  in the name of Jesus, keep rising!  (Matthew 28:1-6)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-27-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 27th, 2022
GOD’s will is to raise us above anything that would seek to keep us down.  Because of this fact, live this day and everyday knowing that no one or nothing can prevent us from overcoming. Your encouragement today:  live victoriously!(Matthew 27:62-66)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-26-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 26th, 2022
In the economy of God, there will be very tough seasons at times. Hard situations to handle that seek to steal our joy. But do know that God always has a provision. And that these tough seasons are only temporary. Your encouragement today: prepare yourself to rise again! (Matthew 27:57-61)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-23-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 23rd, 2022
If we endure, life will emerge from death. Life will gain the final victory. Your encouragement today: thank God for the gift of life! (Matthew 27:45-56)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-22-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 22nd, 2022
There will be times when we are insulted, mocked, and torn down. Times when we experience the ugliness of the world, even as believers in God. But through it all, we will prevail. Because the God we believe in will overcome. Your encouragement today. Just hang in there. Help is coming! (Matthew 27:33-44)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D's Daily Encouragement -- 12-19-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 19th, 2022
Sometimes we have to carry the burdens of others.  But trust and believe, it does not come without blessings!  Your encouragement today:  when it's your turn, carry!  (Matthew 27:32)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-16-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 16th, 2022
Just remember that thorns and trials will become testimonies and triumphs. Your encouragement today: hang in there. The storm is passing over. Hallelu! (Matthew 27:27-31)#stayencouraged!...  Read More
Pastor D’s Daily Encouragement — 12-14-2022
by Joseph Daniels on December 14th, 2022
Sometimes the innocent are persecuted and the evil prosper, and we cannot understand why. But if we live life knowing that the just will be vindicated, we will see vindication coming. Your encouragement today: always do the just thing! (Matthew 27:11-26)#stayencouraged!...  Read More





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